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MyNewVista :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
A new personal info center. A few desktop icon designs. Icons with functions inside.. lol.. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Vista 
Wallpaper Grass 

Malnilion Cool icons :)
Malnilion Er, I meant cool fonts, but your icons look nice too :P
clovemagic I think this is your best work so far. Menus look fantastic.
Nightbreed Thanks Clove, how's it going with font editing on your end? Thanks as well, Malnilion. so far I have a bblean logo font created with the set and I'm working now on an 'Xoblite' one.
Nightbreed I think 2 font sets are going to be needed though. 1 for the toolbar and one for the menu.
blackbird yes that are nice fonts... where do you got them?
qwilk Wow, editing fonts to get glyphs in the menu, now that's dedication to the cause of customization! :D
qwilk ...which font editor are you using btw?
Nightbreed they are a cross between a font called FinderBar, webdings, and the 3 wingdings fonts that comes with windows
Nightbreed Actually Qwilk, I'm going to have to send you the font file. For some reason I can't get them to work with Xoblite. I don't want to release them and have them mess up ppls menus ...
Nightbreed sorry qwilk, read that wrong.. the font editor itself is High-Logic's font creator 5.0
David excelent!!
Pitkon Fantastic, Gary, just fantastic. And, yes, will u please send over those fonties? :D
Nightbreed lol, thanks all. On their way Pitkon... Let me add a few more fonts and I'll send it.. Forgot shutdown and logoffs.. hehe
Pitkon Lol... Thanx!
purple and i want that cool fonties too..plsssssssss..;)
Jesterace Yes share those fonts please :)
Nightbreed lol, Jesterace, where ya been hidding?
Nightbreed Nice thing to know is that there are no copyrites on the particular fonts I'm using. That makes things alot easier. And yes, I checked that... lol
Nightbreed The fonts, for those who dont know are now at lost in the box forum :)
cthu1hu kewl
purple thnxx man..
purple thnxx man..
bot ok...i don't really know anyone here...where can i get this style/fonts? i'd very much like to get my hands on it

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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