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Blackflux :: Pitkon User Pitkon
Wishful thinking? 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Alien Black by Pitkon 

clovemagic ::jaw drops::
Pitkon Hope BB will sometime get to this...
ArthurDent Something like this could probably be done on Linux with fluxbox.. I have the image handling turned off in the one I use, because I'm a purist.
Pitkon I know what u mean, Arthur... Actually, this shouldn't be allowed on Blackbox... lol. But then, why not combine the best of both worlds?
Nightbreed Geeze Pitkon... by the time I got done gettin my mind out of sci-fi mode, I think I could actually get some work done on this desktop.. lmao... This rocks dude
Nightbreed And see.. I only use fluxbox when nothing else will load right on my linux box,... it's always my 'fail safe' gui... lol
Pitkon Lol, Breed! And thanx...
snkmchnb i see litestep there.. ehh.. bb better not go that route.
cthu1hu Pixmap support would be a dream to skin...
Pitkon snk: Of course u see Litestep. The parts are Turtle Soup by doodle, ported to bbi with some modifications :) Trying to contact the guy... cthu1hu: I couldn't agree more! :D
enginecamel Holy crap. It's so cooooool! Ohh man, is this the new system formatting? Oh man this is sooo cool! Pitkon that is by far one of the most pimp designs I've seen ever.
lefi plz send me this

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