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BBLeanStealth :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
Wanted to create a version of the SteathOS for BBLean..  
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style BBStealthOS 
Wallpaper StealthOS 

Spyderblade Awesome, I love how the black buttons look very longhornish. btw what does picture of a guy with two left an dright arrows on the sidebar do? and the buttons on the top right?
Nightbreed Thanks Spyderblade.. that lil guy is just a user icon space.. I'm just too lazy to change it at the moment.. lol
Pitkon Beautiful, breed, just beautiful. No buttons on the windows?
Nightbreed Thanks Pitkon, Na, no buttons, they are built into the taskbar now ;) and I use mouse buttons to control the windows. I wanted the windows to do more of the mac thing with maximizing under the taskbar
Pitkon Nice change, tho I can't say if it's really practical... I mean L always fumble with windows buttons... Don't think my arm would like to cover more space... :D
Nightbreed Well... most of the window fuctions for me is handled with the mouse... those are just for maximized windows but .. If I maximize a window it means Im going to be working in that program for a while
clovemagic Nice one -- really sleek.
Nightbreed Thanks Clove... When are you poppin up a screenie :-P
snkmchnb this is nice, Nightbreed. i like the way you use the transparency with the style colors, very Aero-like.
Nightbreed Thanks snkmchnb. I wish we could get transparency on just the titlebar portion of bbleanskin ;-)

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