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frite nite :: Two_toNe User Two_toNe
Something a little halloweenish. Actually didn't plan on it, I just dug the wall. Wall by boxxi available at link

enjoy :) 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Frite Nite by Two_toNe
Wallpaper Dying Embers 

Pitkon Love the colors! :)
captain i like the buttons on your winskin alot... how would i go about having those?
Malnilion Surely that's got to be a uxtheme or something? If it's not, tell us how to get that :D
Two_toNe Thanks guys To change the bbleanskin button glyphs, you need a bitmap in the bbleanskin directory named buttons.bmp. If you download the latest bblean source, it has the bitmap file in there. There are some limitations to it, however. link to the source -> link
captain could i trouble you for your version of it... i like your buttons and i have no idea what to do after editing the bmp
Two_toNe Once you've edited the buttons.bmp, put them in the bbleanskin directory (where the bbleanskin.dll file is) and refresh bblean.
captain could you resend them please... for some reason it was corrupt... sorry for the trouble

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