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Scooby Blue :: MrGnash User MrGnash
I'm not actually such a huge Scooby Doo fan, but I am absoloutely crazy about Sarah Michelle Gellar fan and thought this wallpaper would be a nice starting point for a BB style. The icons are Gant 3 by mattahan and the wallpaper is from the official SD2 site, with some very clever modifications courtesy of Quakeball7. The sidebar is of course Pikton's work :) 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Scooby Blue 
Wallpaper Scooby Doo Monsters Unleashed 

Pitkon Excellent colors on the style, with the possible exception of Menu Highlight. I love the font u used for this! Wharf icons appear a bit fuzzy, I suggest u use the latest bbi build and 64X64 icons, if u haven't resized the buttons... Keep it up!
MrGnash Thanks :) Yeah I had a bit of trouble with the icons... according to their properties the icons are actually 128x128 .ico files, but when I loaded them into the wharf they appeared to be around 32 and I had to size them up :(
Pitkon The new bbi build allows for any size without distortion. Just ctrl+right click on an ico and click on image/options/64X64 or whatever.
MrGnash That fixed the problem, thanks very much :D
Pitkon Anytime :)

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