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Delusion :: snkmchnb User snkmchnb
gotta give credit to thewayofzen for showing the wall.. grab it at link
Shell blackbox
Style Delusion by snkmchnb (
Wallpaper The Smart Rabbit 

thewayofzen another gem from the big man.. I always love the way you never fall into a formula. there are those of us (read that me) who are cursed with just doing it the same way.. cause its the only way we like to do it. I love ur work. inspirational.
Pitkon I love the style, snk!
Rev Yeah.. I'm totally guilty of the style making rut. ~L~ But that's the way I like them! Dammit. Heh. Nice work, Snack!
auto You just keep turning out the hits, nice work.
snkmchnb thanks guys. i actually changed menu highlite text color on in the style to the brownish read in the nose.. so the screeny is a little different. you guys are my inspiration for doing these styles.. i just want to say thank you to the community.. i guess this is my way of doing so.
Pitkon And there's nothing wrong with using a formula, guys, it's called author's signature... (Now, last time I used the term, about 2 years ago on boxshots, a guy got pissed... lol... Hope there won't be a repetition... But Tres'ni came to my rescue reminding him that's exactly how it's called... Think u must remember that, snk :D ) On the other hand, snk and others offer variety... And variety is the spice of life... :D
xargon i love that bg

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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