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« Next | El Gato by tech10171968 | Prev »
El Gato :: tech10171968 User tech10171968
The wallpaper was modified from the original. I really don't like a too-busy background, as it takes focus away from whatever your doing on the desktop. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Soft 
Wallpaper Tribute_to_deviantarts_creatur_by_AllvarliG 

Pitkon I really like the style AND the desktop. Good work, tech! :)
tech10171968 Thx, Pitkon. I'm getting closer to finding a permanent layout I'll actually stick with.
lafingputz What plugin/add-on are you using for the controls/specs @ the bottom of the page?
lafingputz What plugin/add-on are you using for the controls/specs @ the bottom of the page?
tech10171968 That's Sysmetrix 3.40... I love it because it's so versatile.
lafingputz thanks much, checkin' it out now! :)

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