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clearlooks :: crowmag User crowmag
This is my K7 box, DiMuDi over a minimal Debian Pure install using the KDE script only. Only the basic Gnome stuff is installed and I intentionally avoided the Metacity (Gnome) WM in the conversion - after many test installs, this turned out for me to be what worked for me. Why AGNULA chose Metacity and Fluxbox (0.9.13) as the default wm's is a mystery to me since Fluxbox has full KDE support and only partial Gnome support. Anyway, this solved a lot of problems with the UI.

DeMuDi is a Debian based Linux distro for musicians, DJ's, Music Producers, anyone interested in creating their own audio mixes, or setting up a home media server via Icecast2. It uses a 12.6 kernel and fairly up to date ALSA.

The wall is a hack of one of the included walls in DeMuDi which I recolored and brightened. The slit is running the fbpager as well as the following dock apps (from top): pclock, wmtimer, wmpinboard, wmcalc, wmmusic (xmms control), wmscope (input capture/cd only), wmmixer (ALSA),, wmget (downloader), wmmemload, wmfire (cpu), wmtop (3 top proc's), wmbio (biorythm).

The icons are actually fbpanels (3) unfortunatly there is no autohide (just transparentcy). The rectangle with the amp icon in the botton panel is a menu of all my music apps.

"Clearlooks" is the name of a GTK2 theme that I happen to like so, I made this style to go with it. I created a KDE color sheme to mimic Clearlooks for QT apps and have also made a 3DC so I can have it on Windows. A bit of a change for me what with all the dark styles I usually use.

The K7 has been my test box in preperation for installing a dual boot on my P4. After trying 4 diferent distros and installing DeMuDi 7 different times using various configurations this is the one that works. I have kept notes along the way so that I can duplicate the install on the P4.

The default DeMuDi install, while achiving a working audio system "out of the box" leaves much to be desired as far as the desktop enviornment. If anyone is interested, I could post my notes and instructions in a Lost in the Box forum thread later (once it's back up).
Shell Nix Box
Style clearlooks by crowmag :
Wallpaper agnula-turntable.png 

tech10171968 Love the style, I might even try to use it in a future desktop skin. The dock at the left reminds me of something I was using with DS Linux (another Debian offshoot). BTW, where can I download/check out DeMuDi? It sounds pretty interesting (music is a hobby of mine)?
crowmag Sorry, I just noticed sum1 had left a comment. DiMuDi is part of the AGNULA project and their home page is here: link It comes with a very minimal desktop enviornment though, not even a graphical "Find" utility is installed by default. Another distro (very new) that you may want to check out is Musix GNU+Linux. The ISO is much smaller. It's being developed by sum dev's in Argentina so the home page is in spanish. In the uper left on that page are links to the documentation in English, French and Portuguese. link I haven't tried it yet myself, I'm tring to scrap together another box to do so.

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