

Styles Packs


« Next | EliTe-Grey by Red-EliTe | Prev »
EliTe-Grey :: Red-EliTe User Red-EliTe
well this is my style i came up with from 2 different peoples' submissions... So credits goto thewayofzen because I based my menu off his 'primary' style, I just changed the colors and reversed the bevels... another goes to NightBreed for convincing me to try some 'in depth' bbinterface and his 'litestep bar'...

now that I'm done with credits... this is my first attempt at a greyscale style, my first attempt at creating switch buttons and multiple rc files in interface, and my first attempt at using broams... but this is what i came up with... (1)bottom right switch "<" hides everything except for that switch... (2)2 switches for extras and mixer in mainbar... and finally a toggle tray button that uses broams to show the tray in the systembar... also I'm still trying to get 3dc down so if you dont like the 3dc in it u can delete the code from the style...

so lemme know what you guys think... Enjoy!

Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style EliTe-Grey by Red-EliTe

freeb0rn Probably one of the better dark styles out there.
thewayofzen im not sure where i get credit on this at all but i must say its a very impressive desktop.. KUDOS!
RedEliTe zen: you get credit because i based my menu and my windowU/F on your primary style i just tweaked maybe 2 or 3 things... both: thanks for comments
qwilk Kickass greyscale style! Not sure about the yellow indicators, but given that you're using bbLean maybe that wasn't intentional? (I don't think menu.indicator/separ
ator is supported by bbLean, right?)
RedEliTe yeh seperator isnt in bbLean like xoblite... i noticed that... i like those seperators too vs the blank space...

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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