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« Next | ^ ,^ My first go at BB4win by h3r0 | Prev »
^ ,^ My first go at BB4win :: h3r0 User h3r0
Heh, just wondering what you guys though of my desktop. It took an all-nighter to get used to the system and finialy get to where im at now. Its not much I know, But i am happy with what i have created. I am just starting and planing to create more interactive desktops, but this will do me for the time being. ^ ^ Thanks.  
Shell xoblite

nfok3 I like your layout. What's that at the bottom of your desktop though? >.> Nice wallpaper too, oh, and welcome to the world of Blackbox! XD
RedEliTe nice style.... what is that info in the bottom left?.... looks like command prompt?
Hideki O_o i was estonished when i saw a full transparent ms-dos window ! A very nice screenshot :)
H3r0 That thing is the bbsprectrum plugin. It dances with any sound that passes on my computer. ^ ^; And yea, intergrated dos on my desktop too. Inspired by linux, powered by MS -_-;
firun It is nice! Especially the command promt! Is it real? if it is then can't u just tell us how to make the same. plz!!!
H3r0 Yes its real ^^; i
H3r0 Hmmn... anyways you can get it here @ link
cLess-R34 ????! That is beautiful, sir! And the link for the console, much appreciated =)
cLess-R34 ????! That is beautiful, sir! And the link for the console, much appreciated =)
H3r0 No sweat ^ ^ glad i could help.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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