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« Next | GreyGrl by tech10171968 | Prev »
GreyGrl :: tech10171968 User tech10171968
Shell is BBLean 1.12. BBCalendar is on the left; the "quicklaunch" row to the right was created using BBInterface (see the 3rd and 4th boxes from the top of the left row? That's a real-time CPU meter and swapfile counter). I used the wallpaper from an old Litestep shell I had installed a while ago; I no longer use that shell but I love the drawing so I kept it. This is my 1st attempt at using BBLean, I hope you like it! 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style ots by nc-17 (

C_Bass What are the "real-time CPU meter and swapfile counter" made with? 2 instances of bbSysMeter?
tech10171968 No, just 1 instance. I simply created 2 buttons in that area by using BBInterface, did a screen capture and cleaned up the resulting bitmap; after that I made a new theme using the bitmap. It was very easy to do, and it came out better than I expected.
cLess-R34 Very nice setup & graphics.
looper Arrghh!!! Pegasus Mail!! So not-user-friendly! :P
Quatre It's really nice. Where can I get the drawing?
NC-17 ooo im flattered :)
tech10171968 I got the wall paper from this site - link(you may have to download the whole thing and extract the wallpaper from the file - that's what I did).

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