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using the Gift :: SnackySmores User SnackySmores
thanx thewayofzen... sorry nameless ;) great gift! 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Gift 

thewayofzen nameless says you are welcome :)
sMs how can u playmario bros 3 on ur pc? =( i want to play maroi bros 3 on on it/// remember old times..
Rev Psst. sMs. It's called an 'emulator.' Google for it, you'll find it all eventually. heh.
sMs :o
SnackySmores sMs check this link its sort of old but it might help :) link
anoni What are the calendar, "todo" and "events" on your desktop?
anoni What are the calendar, "todo" and "events" on your desktop?
Rumjaku Wow, nice WP, where did you get it? anoni, The callendar and todo might either be rainlender or konfabulator, or neither, not too sure.

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