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The_Blues :: clovemagic User clovemagic
3dcc included. Wall is from DA. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style The_Blues by clovemagic
Wallpaper The_Blues_by_Fatboy72 

snkmchnb very nicely done, clovemagic. i'm really diggin' the buttons
clovemagic Thanks, snkmchnb. You can't really tell from the screenshot, but the buttons have a sort of "lit up" effect that I think is cool.
Pitkon Excellent worl, clove! I had already gotten permission fron Fatboy to upload my own style with his wall in a zip to deviantart - and seing this I gotta say it's hard to do better. Keep it up!
clovemagic Thank you much, Pitkon. I would love to see your interpretation -- you are my model for innovative styles. Btw, I admire your inclusion of the credited wallpaper in the zip on DA. I tried to do that a couple of times, but I ran out of patience with tracking down permissions. How do you manage it?
Pitkon Thanx for ur kind words, clove. I note (or e-mail) each artist, asking permission to include their wall in the zip file with full credits and links to their page/site/whatever. Out of about 600, only one refused... And by now we are all good friends...
ser VI Nice bar.
clovemagic Thanks, everyone. Btw, I just realized that the .3dc file included with the style is messed up, so if anyone is interested in the correct .3dc, email me. It looks MUCH better.
Pitkon Clove, I submitted my version: link Hope u like it... As for 3dc, ain't necessary if u use bbcolorex...
clovemagic Pitkon, I saw your style on DA. It looks great! I use bbcolrex, but I find that I still tweak the 3dc to get it the way I want. Maybe I'm not using it correctly . . .
Pitkon Glad u liked the style, clove. About 3dc: no, sometimes it's better to tweak it urself - keep on doing it :)

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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