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mukouzune :: thewayofzen User thewayofzen
Most styles ive been doing these days seem to be with tiled walls. I hope this one appeals to someone. There is a 3dcc included in the style. I had to configure firefox to tell firefox not to use system colors for this one though. if not the fonts get terribly hard to read. Anyway. This is it.. my latest offering now that im back home from vacation.
Enjoy! -Zen 
Shell xoblite
Style mukouzune by thewayofzen
Wallpaper What-Goes-Up-3.jpg propaganda tile 

thewayofzen oh yeah.. go here for the wall link hope that helps
snkmchnb classic work, zen!
freeb0rn one of your best.
juztin that wall is trippy :O
sMs me love it.. gona try it later.. hope it works well..
sMs ok.. great... this one works great... pretty... this is my first thewayofzen style in my hard drive..
Inauro Great wall, great style. Nice work, zen.
Pitkon Great style, Zen, one of ur very best. As for the tiled wall, ah, the memories, the memories... Reminds me of good old IceSphere days... RIP...
thewayofzen thanks everyone..

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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