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« Next | CopperCruft by crowmag | Prev »
CopperCruft :: crowmag User crowmag
I know alot of ppl might consider the Propaganda seamless tile series to be old and worn out but they remain to be my favorite seamless tiles. I don't think I have seen any that have captured and duplicated the technics that Bowie J.Poag used in creating them (I know I have tried with little success). The pallets he used make for some great style making fuel, well... at least I think so ;p

Here's a style based on one of those tiles, hope sum1 likes.

3DC file and alternate bsetroot bg included.

Note: toolbar is shown only for demonstation purposes (for those who use it). slit is on autohide.

The wallpaper can be found here: link 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style CopperCruft by crowmag :
Wallpaper Follow-Me-Home-2.JPG 

Rev Very slick, Crow. I especially like your menu highlight. Heh.
crowmag Thanx Rev, whoda thunk you could grade red and green together... it was an experiment but it seed to work out well.
juztin very nice, you're right about the wallpaper, it kicks ass

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