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Kahvi :: ser VI User ser VI
Wallpaper from link 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style kahvi by ser VI
Wallpaper kahvi_collective2a(1600x1200) from 

snkmchnb i like your use of gradients.
Xavier-DL Mmm, looks like glass.
clovemagic LOVE these colors. Beautiful style, ser VI.
AlmostX Oh....! Good style ..
Colt_Reaper Very cool dude. Love the colors and the way everything looks in the style.
elektr1k Very nice.
thewayofzen after listening to so much whining about the xoblite toolbar i find it HILARIOUS that you have a three line bar. MAN.. this is so great. The style is nicely done too :)
crowmag =O oooooooooo... Nice!
ser VI I was thinkin in put some icons/links in the bottom most space of the toolbar, in a future theme. Or in the top maybe. What somebody thinks?
clovemagic Gosh, I just love looking at this theme. Btw, which BBInterface configuration is that, ser VI? I'm always tweaking mine, and I would like to add some media player controls. Keep on doing what you're doing. You're one of my BB heroes.
ser VI Maybe it's because of I am -3 Hours Of World Time. I am always looking for somebody to talk and did not find. That is my BBInterface that you found on DeviantArt - link
ser VI Maybe it's because of I am -3 Hours Of World Time. I am always looking for somebody to talk and did not find. That is my BBInterface that you found on DeviantArt - link
clovemagic Thanks for the link, ser VI. You're an inspiration.
sMs what clock is that?? bbclock? o_O
ser VI That is BBAnalogEx by Kana
sMs kana? isnt that from Theo?
ser VI I wrong it's BBTextClock - link
ser VI Sorry!

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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