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Jesterace :: Jesterace User Jesterace
Just playing around with FreeSBIE which is a FreeBSD Live CD. And decided to take a shot of fluxbox since we hardly have any *nix screenies around here :P 
Shell Nix Box
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Wallpaper FreeSBIE 

Herbalist Cool!! I might have to try out that Live CD.
dubox yeah! its on my disk :)
ceelow This makes me want to port fluxbox over to the Win32 platform ( or ay least take a go at it!) That on a windows box would be THE absolute shit!
Jesterace to be totally honest bblean makes the best attempt at being a fluxbox clone. with BBlean Bar. However with BBWinSkin 1.1 it can use the shellWM engine so I could technically copy that desktop perfectly onto windows except for the icons in the menu that I don't believe any box shell on win32 can do yet. And as far as desktop Icons I find those oversized icons ded secksi :P
crowmag Well, I guess those icons in the menus are *cute* and I know alot of ppl would like to see them in BB4W but, IFAIC, there just redundent in menus, I wish I could turn them off in Windows menus. I mean the whole idea around an icon is to negate the need for text. It's supposed to be a unique and minimal visual link to something (ie. a shortcut). DGMW,I like icons, I have SystembarEX and all my app toolbars set to "Icons Only". I just don't see the need for both on the same element except in in a file manager... then again, I've used MC on Linux quite painlessly for years.
ceelow But the options to have rounded corners, iconified menus, etc. + bbLean would really push the 'sexy' in *box clones to new extremes... Plus, it would look ooo cool!
dubox OSNews has published a review of FreeSBIE 1.1, a live CD based on FreeBSD 5.3: "It should also be noted that once this distro is installed to your hard drive, it can be upgraded to a complete FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE installation using cvsup. That is a huge benefit for those people thinking of checking out FreeBSD but might be intimidated by a regular FreeBSD install and manually configuring everything to get the level of customization achieved in FreeSBIE." full review link

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