

Styles Packs


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koutetsu :: thewayofzen User thewayofzen
This is my latest. As with the other styles ive released lately the 3dcc is intact at the end of the style. I made sure this time that i completely finished it.. so u will not find that i forgot the tooltips this time.
Hope this appeals to someone out there. if you need the wall or anything email me i will happily send it.
Enjoy! -Zen 
Shell xoblite
Style koutetsu by thewayofzen
Wallpaper Tribute__Wolfesbane83.jpg found SOMEWHERE?!? 

freeb0rn I told you before, and I'll tell you again. I am in LOVE with this style, the colors just kill me. awesome job. Reminds me of Blue Steal for Enlightenment.
Herbalist Nice colors...I would have came up with something different but yours is much better. Good Job!!!
Rev This style is badass. The colors just blow me away.
sMs yeapp this is my favorite of urs... well i thik is ur best
looper I will say this before it gets pushed off the main page (& because I am on a commenting binge) -- for some reason, the thumbnail versions of this screenshot (the colors, the wall) remind me of clovemagic's work. Don't know why.
looper PS That's not a criticism nor praise--just something that struck me. :P

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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