

Styles Packs


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Ghost 3 :: riki User riki
This is the latest. ghost in the machine 3. also shown (but not included) is a style selector. made with the bbinterface. yest you can cycle through screenshots then select your favorite theme 
Shell blackbox

Pitkon This is ur best style so far, Rich! Keep it up :) Sorry there is no faving option here...
riki thanx!! finally got the hang of the style maker and mixing the colors. the trick seems to be where to base the menu colors from, either the background or the topic of the wall. this one wasnt too hard since it was kina neutral. I saw your dragon one. i like how you chose those colors...
C_Bass Hey good style to match that wall. Nice choice of cinema too. You wouldn't happen to be Japanese would you?
blockhead This is nice. The menu frame part is especially well done. Are you going to release this style? Can you put a link to the wall?
riki thank you very much! well not sure where i got the wall, had it for awhile. but the tyle and link you can get at this link . I must have missed the spot here where you can put the link at Uhg!!

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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