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my precious :: necroboi User necroboi

This is another one of my WindowMaker inspired styles. Precious is based on an unreleased style which, in turn, was a port of the WindowMaker theme Silver-Gold by ElCoronel. The background tile can be found in the original theme tarball at the above link. 3DC settings are included in the style file.
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style precious by necroboi
Wallpaper gold-tile.png 

dubox nice wm port. good work, necroboi. btw wm for win would be nice too and thx for sending the walls :)
cthu1hu sweet
Inf3rnal nice i like it :) can you tell me whats that stuff in your slit
necroboi thanks ;) the plugins in the slit are bbpager, bbsysmon, bbwinskin ui/loader, bboscilliscope, and my slit-amp script for bbinterface.. below the slit is bbmuse running in transparent mode
Inauro Excellent work, necroboi. I really like the simplicity of this one.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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