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gruppled2 :: Craig Laparo User Craig Laparo
This is my second theme. I made the wallpaper with bryce5 and photoshop. 
Shell blackbox
Style Gruppled by Craig Laparo (

gruppler right after i posted that, i fixed a few things... so, here's the new screenshot and style. screenshot:link style: ! style here: Gruppled Craig Laparo ( Thursday Sept. 23, 2004 style.comments: ! toolbar here: toolbar: raised bevel1 gradient vertical toolbar.color: #BBC1B4 toolbar.colorTo: #F1F3F0 toolbar.button: ParentRelative toolbar.button.color
: #000000 toolbar.button.color
To: #000000 toolbar.button.picCo
lor: #EFF5EE
ed: sunken bevel1 gradient diagonal
ed.color: #DEEDB1
ed.colorTo: #97AB24
ed.picColor: #EFF5EE toolbar.label: sunken bevel1 gradient diagonal toolbar.label.color: #DEEDB1 toolbar.label.colorT
o: #97AB24 toolbar.label.textCo
lor: #000000 toolbar.windowLabel: ParentRelative toolbar.windowLabel.
color: #000000 toolbar.windowLabel.
colorTo: #000000 toolbar.windowLabel.
textColor: #000000 toolbar.clock: sunken bevel1 gradient diagonal toolbar.clock.color: #DEEDB1 toolbar.clock.colorT
o: #97AB24 toolbar.clock.textCo
lor: #000000 ! menu here: menu.title: raised bevel1 gradient vertical menu.title.color: #BBC1B4 menu.title.colorTo: #F1F3F0 menu.title.textColor
: #000000 menu.frame: flat bevel1 gradient elliptic menu.frame.color: #A7C500 menu.frame.colorTo: #C3DA7D menu.frame.textColor
: #000000 menu.frame.disableCo
lor: #000000 menu.hilite: flat bevel1 solid menu.hilite.color: #95B000 menu.hilite.colorTo: #000000 menu.hilite.textColo
r: #000000 menu.bullet: square menu.bullet.position
: right ! window here: window.title.focus: raised bevel1 gradient diagonal window.title.focus.c
olor: #FFFFFF window.title.focus.c
olorTo: #CDCECD window.title.unfocus
: flat bevel1 gradient diagonal window.title.unfocus
.color: #FFFFFF window.title.unfocus
.colorTo: #CDCECD window.label.focus: sunken bevel1 gradient diagonal window.label.focus.c
olor: #DEEDB1 window.label.focus.c
olorTo: #97AB24 window.label.focus.t
extColor: #000000 window.label.unfocus
: ParentRelative window.label.unfocus
.color: #BBC1B4 window.label.unfocus
.colorTo: #F1F3F0 window.label.unfocus
.textColor: #000000 window.grip.focus: raised bevel1 gradient diagonal
lor: #DEEDB1
lorTo: #97AB24 window.grip.unfocus: raised bevel1 gradient diagonal window.grip.unfocus.
color: #DEEDB1 window.grip.unfocus.
colorTo: #97AB24 window.handle.focus: raised bevel1 gradient diagonal window.handle.focus.
color: #FFFFFF window.handle.focus.
colorTo: #CDCECD window.handle.unfocu
s: raised bevel1 gradient diagonal window.handle.unfocu
s.color: #FFFFFF window.handle.unfocu
s.colorTo: #CDCECD window.button.focus: raised bevel1 gradient diagonal window.button.focus.
color: #FFFFFF window.button.focus.
colorTo: #CDCECD window.button.focus.
picColor: #000000 window.button.unfocu
s: ParentRelative window.button.unfocu
s.color: #000000 window.button.unfocu
s.colorTo: #000000 window.button.unfocu
s.picColor: #000000 window.button.presse
d: sunken bevel1 gradient diagonal window.button.presse
d.color: #CDCECD window.button.presse
d.colorTo: #FFFFFF window.button.presse
d.picColor: #000000 window.frame.focusCo
lor: #000000 window.frame.unfocus
Color: #000000 ! slit here: ! Fonts here: toolbar.justify: right menu.title.font: hooge 05_65 caps menu.title.fontHeigh
t: 10 menu.title.justify: right menu.frame.font: hooge 05_53 menu.frame.fontHeigh
t: 10 menu.frame.justify: right window.font: mints-mild window.fontHeight: 10 window.justify: center titleFont: mints-mild toolbar.font: hooge 05_53 toolbar.fontHeight: 10 *font: snap ! Misc here: borderColor: #000000 bevelWidth: 1 borderWidth: 2 frameWidth: 1 handleWidth: 1 rootCommand: bsetroot -gradient elliptic -from #DEEDB1 -to #97AB24 Backgrounds\utopia.
gruppler oh yeah, and here's a new version of the wallpaper... [url]link
gruppler err... [url="link
frantic I like the style - the second one better. However it would have been better if you had just posted another screenshot and called it "redux" or whatever. Posting the whole style here kinda sucks.
gruppler i didn't want to repost the whole thing, but i also didn't want to look for a free webserver to host the style. so i posted it here, but the linebreaks disappear. sorry about that. i did finally submit an update.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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