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« Next | Its LEMON-TIME! by freeb0rn | Prev »
Its LEMON-TIME! :: freeb0rn User freeb0rn
Something quite different (as far as colorscheme goes) from what I usually. It was fun. Though perhaps a bit too fruity! :)
Sorry for not changing the overall styling of the style itself... was too lazy to experiment this time round.
Hope you guys like it. 
Shell xoblite
Style Lemontime by Freeb0rn
Wallpaper>Search->"Cup of tea" 

Myst0z awesome really clean...
wyoshc fresh!
freeb0rn so fresh n so clean clean! thanks :)
thewayofzen man. i really hate green. Like REALLY hate green.. more then any other color I HATE GREEN! now.. concise umm.. even though i hate green i really like this style ;) Good job free.
looper Looks good, so I am there a 3dcc file to go with this (looks like it from screenshot)? Email to me or link? Thanks!
Inauro No need to search Customize for the wallpaper. You can get it as part of a set by hombre-cz at deviantART. How do i know? I used another in the set for my style, Tea.
freeb0rn yeah there's a 3dcc style; you can get it (its called Lemon-Time!) along with all my other 3dcc styles here: link
thewayofzen its..making green...NOOoooo....
looper Sweetness. Thanks, freeb0rn.
freeb0rn no problem
seeingred lol not fair! i was just about to upload a screenie with this exact same theme/wallpaper! heh heh link
freeb0rn feel free to!

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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