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Septimu's bb4win screenie :: Septimus User Septimus
nothing special, ive just been playing around with this for a few days now. 
Shell blackbox
Style Clear Carbon 
Wallpaper Timel 

Cruithne Where can I get that small_console from?
Septimus i got it off sourceforge, its just called "console" and it has a small normal and large, i just changed the XML code from the "normal" with the "small" XML code and now it starts up like this :)
Cruithne Cool. I was looking around for one and found one called Console2. Take a look here: link
Cruithne Wrong link... this is the right one: [url]www.slowburnmus
Cruithne Grrr.... link
theorem Ah .. would have helped if you included a link ... here link
theorem er .. here rather linkhref="">link

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Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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