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ephemeral passing :: maladr0it User maladr0it
ok, so this is my first theme and i really have no clue what i'm doing. i've been using blackbox for about a week and i just have been using other people's themes (which, by the way, are great...keep it up everyone). i had no idea what kind of theme i wanted to make when i started and basically it just turned into this dark blueish theme...hopefully after some practice and once i learn more about bbox i'll get better. i just wanted to post this up here to see what people would think.

oh yeah, i have no clue where i got that wallpaper, i've just had it on my computer for a good 2 if you made it let me know :)

Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style ephemeralpassing.. by maladr0it
Wallpaper virtual snipez 

mode i like how you have your taskbar/winamp controls setup, i might steal that idea :p
maladr0it go for it :)
captain ive done that for ages lol.
psikoticsilver Hey it's Sam, nice theme. ;)
maladr0it hey sam, thanks :)
Ariq nice theme, man. i'm gonna borrow it.. good job on the transparencies.. question tho, why rainlendar? bbcalender does the job just as well. *grin*

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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