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RobintheHood :: mite User mite
blackbox for windows is actually pretty cool. so is their irc channel on freenode, they gave me some help on a few things while i was configuring it. not sure if i'll be sticking with it but it is pretty sexy =)

everything you see skinned is sublime. i tried to use this vs many months ago, but couldnt get it to look smooth enough. saw playboy submitted it to custo the other day and gave it a shot. i like.

the name of the submission is that of an album sublime put out. they share no relation but i couldn't think of anything better.

the wallpaper is called Oceanicore and i believe i found it on DA sometime ago. i just mirrored it so it was wide enough. 
Shell blackbox
Style subLime 
Wallpaper Oceanicore 

sMs this is really nice... =D ... nice screenshot
The Wizard_69 nice work mite ;)
ncgq.prophet Which font is that? It's looks a bit like Impact, but it's so much cleaner...
Mudwhistle ncgq.prophet: its swiss somthing... what font are you using on the chat program tho?
ncgq.prophet Found it, thx mudwhistle :) It's full name is Swiss 721 Bold Condensed, and can be found here. It's included in the style download. And I think the chat program is using the same, or something very similar.
ncgq.prophet Darn it! That's the all-caps version :( I'll keep looking...
ncgq.prophet Darn it! That's the all-caps version :( I'll keep looking...

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