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Primal :: Theo User Theo
i have so much fun creating new things for BB4Win that i cant stop... (currently working on 3 new plugins and on new versions of BBAnalogeEx....) 
Shell BBLC\BBLean

sMs thanx man for creating new plugins =D
sMs what r they? the new plugins... =D and also whats the difference between bbanalogex 1.3 and bbanalogex 1.3 XL ?
Theo the XL is for xoblite, there are some menu parts removed which are not implemented in xoblite
clovemagic Ooooh. :rubbing hands together: Can't wait . . . can't wait . . . must wait. ;)
sMs what plugins r they?? new bbsysnet? =D
stanna i love the wallpaper. quite a unique style i think. to be soo fully intergrated into the background pic. nice one
AJ Wow Theo, you've been on a tear with the plugin development - any eta on the BBnoteD plugin I saw in a SS awhile back?
Nightbreed Will you stop making me want to play games.. :P Nice one Theo
Theo They will be the BBnoteD, BBVerticalSysBar and one more.... lol
Nightbreed Then BBMalabuBarbie, BBSunshineKen and uh.. BBBarbieFunTimeVet :P
Theo maybe next time nightbreed maybe next time... :-)
clovemagic ROFL. Please . . . BBAstronautBarbie -- comes with a space suit AND a gown for the ball!
Nightbreed Let me guess, so when you're done dancing with her you can just let her float off to space huh? lol.. Great date there...

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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