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Touch of Red :: Jesterace User Jesterace
A style based on a propaganda tile. just getting back to my roots :p 
Shell blackbox
Style TouchOfRed by Jesterace
Wallpaper Bang-Clatter-Clash-4 

pHarciDe not bad... OMG WINAMP NOOOO!!!!
auto where is foobar? ;]
Nightbreed Nice theme Jesterace.
Inauro Really nice, Jesterace. Propaganda tiles are great, and your style works well with this one.
nightmare YES! I've been totally into that album for the past few weeks. Not really a fan of that bg tho.. too busy?
xo0m i dunno about u guys, but winamp rocks for one reason and one reason alone - milkdrop
NC-17 lol xo0m, you can run milkdrop on foobar......
Jesterace If foobar would run half decent on my machine it would be there. But in reality it is a resource hog on this thing :p hehe. Winamp always played nicely
frantic Foobar is nice if you keep all your music in one place and then make huge playlists or whatnot. Since I don't do that, and I don't care about id tags (I only organize the names of the files nicely), it's pretty much useless for me. And it has no damn volume control. (:
NC-17 well, my music is all hardly in one directory, it's ordered on the HDD as well. it's easy to make playlists as well - create new playlist, import from a directory, save playlist. then i dont have to open explorer everytime i want to play an album, i can just use foobar. i find it a pleasure to use with a large collection of albums.
nightmare i also use winamp, but i had to switch to winamp5. Why? iPod support! iTunes sucks hard, if it doesn't understand your ID3 genre tag (and i use id3v1 standard genres!) it just leaves it blank. Even tho it lets you type in custom genres in iTunes!! Made no sense.
xo0m werd? i didnt know that u could run milkdrop on foobar, im gonna have to look into that

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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