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nature :: NC-17 User NC-17
multifate had a style recently that used another wallpaper in a similar vein to the one here by the same author. link found below for this wallpaper. hope you like the style. 
Shell blackbox
Style nature by nc-17 (

AJ Nice work. A lot of colors to work with. Not a wall I would have chosen to work with yet since I'm still new at this. Overall an impressive matching shceme.
NC-17 thanks, hopefully i managed the colours well without being overwhelmed.
anvil oooh i like, not normally something i would go for....but damn man for some reason i really like this.
clovemagic It's a great wallpaper choice, and you've done a fine job with the style.
Inauro Hooray, someone finally used this wallpaper. I've tried and failed to make a style i like using it for months. I always thought it would be a perfect wallpaper for a pack of styles using the different colours. Really nice work, NC-17.
frantic Yeah, cool multicolor style, fresh and minimal at the same time. Really nice.
NC-17 yeah, one thing i was thinking of was doing a few different styles for each colour, maybe 2-3 using blue as the base and the other colours for hilites. but there we go, it all went into one. glad you liked what turned out for it.
Skwire Very cool mimicking of the cel-shading in the wall.
multifate that's right nc multifate DID have one _b4_ you...mwahahah 8) sweet job
cthu1hu It's nice. The style reminds me of an XP icon set, which I forget the name of...
anvil Genesis Bubbles?
cthu1hu Maybe a cross between that, and something by this guy..
pHarciDe and i said jester was a FRUITSICLE!! lool, nice nice nice, looks great nc, really like the green in there, makes it stand out but blends in nice
ChainsawMEssiah For some reason I can't set the image as desktop background. All I get is the background color... =(

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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