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PN03 :: Theo User Theo
just to make a little advertisement for my new BBAnalogEx 1.3 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style PN03 by Theo
Wallpaper as usually gamewallpapers.... 

krazyone I really admire that side bar, i was curious how you did it, i tryed by using bbinterface, but i had no luck, in geting things like the clock in a frame, wondering if you had a pretty simplified way of doing?
necroboi thanks for the cool plugin .. though i'm not a fan of sidebars, i think your setup is nice ;)
anvil Nice, though i liked your light desktop the best,, now if i had the time to make my bblean look like yours i'd migrate from litestep. :) How did you get that picture of the girl on the sidebar is it just a image placed there? or...
Theo Its just an image, i have more than one image and then i use the > under it to change to the one that looks the best with the current walllpaper.
anvil Oh, neat... Quick Question, before i decide to learn how to use bbinterface etc for sidebar much memory does the setup in your screenshot use? I got litestep where i want it, with very little modifications and it uses not much memory, but anything that uses less would be nice :) p.s. is she saying talk to the hand btw?
Theo My bblean uses at max 2mb of memory, but usually is something between 0.5 and 1.5mb (Memshrink rocks) and a max of 2% of the procesor (Athlon 1.7XP) P.S. Maybe... :-)
anvil Damn, 1.5 sure beats my 7 from litestep.... hmm, now all you need to do is let me have your bbinterface scripts :)
Xssk I like very much the the side bar in the right... can you teach me how do do it ?
anvil I Just realized what she is REALLY doing...... She is giving you her hand in marriage.....your life is over now pal :) Either that or that armor makes her look more like a women then she
Theo anvil: it wouldnt be that bad, i think :-)

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