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Minimal :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
I wanted to show what you get when you push the hide all button in the sidebar. :) For uh, those who like minimal but still want easy to get to features. 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style Basic 
Wallpaper Woah 

captain with that angelina jolie wall and all those great styles and 1337 interface designs you have officially become my fav0rite. :)
sicle9 what no wallpaper link!
Nightbreed Thanks Captain... As far as the wall paper.. sorry for that sicle.. here ya go.. link I always forget about that ;)
clovemagic Nightbreed, you have so raised the bar on what will be considered a good looking desktop (and I don't mean the wallpapers :) . There goes my summer . . .
clovemagic And I hope you're writng a user manual to go with it (j/k . . . er, no I'm not.)
Nightbreed lol@Manual... You know, This thing is so easy to use, that you wont need one. Funny thing is, I think I accessed my main menu about twice today..hehe
xo0m now thats more like it...alhtoughi still think its getting out of hand
Nightbreed Well, so long as there are people who are wanting the design, Im going to keep building. Minimal is great when you dont have to do alot of things at one time. But I work in a multi envirnment where a single menu is not in the least bit enough
Nightbreed There is no such word as out of hand when it comes to computers. We all base our gui's around the way we work. Some, don't need a heavy workstation and some do. With the work I do, I have about 8 computers running, two of them being Linux servers with no gui what so ever. My graphic disign computer on the other hand has to be set up in a lightweight but functional way. I can't afford to spend my time searching through menus to get to a program.
roninblade65 I think the beauty of this specific setup, and BB4Win overall is the adaptability of it. currently if I want a busy desktop I have it, but if I want minimal I can easily have that as well (bbinterface + Bro@ms = amazing) this setup allows for people like me who want the best of both worlds have it:)

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