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BBlean Pro :: Nightbreed User Nightbreed
Yet another screenie :) 
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style BBLeanPro 
Wallpaper T3 

Keithamus I love this interface, please where can i get some of these plugins/code references, such as the popout menus and the start menu, any help will be much appreciated!
cthu1hu Doesn't look like blackbox at all. Very unique and well thought out. What do you keep Bro@mTimer's interval set at? I worry about hammering blackbox with BBMS...
Nightbreed Thanks all. The timer's are dependent on which one's you are talking about. The Memory shrink is set at 1000 the slideshow is at 7000. bear in mind that these timers don't activate until you press their respective buttons to run them. My cpu use with all this and all timers on is an average of 2
Nightbreed I have a new screenshot coming in a bit showing all controls and few updates ;) which should explain more

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