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The Good Life :: pforg User pforg
This is all I need to make me happy. Oh no wait, that waitress with the nice hooters could come back and take a seat...
Wanted to try some different colors. Style by me, wall by me. 
Shell blackbox
Style The Good Life 
Wallpaper The Good Life 

Inauro Sweet liquor eases the pain. Nice work, pforg.
pforg Thanks Inauro. I agree about the pain, it does, at least for a time. I find myself staring at my desktop and dreaming of better days... I am not sure if that is a good thing or not.
saucemaster how can you manage to have your sysmon as part of your toolbar?
pforg That's not toolbar saucemaster, I dont display the toolbar as I don't find a need for it personally, just takes up desktop space imo. It's the slit, with a bunch of plugins enveloped in it. All I really need.

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