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dress the tapeworm as pet :: xo0m User xo0m
gotta love bbmail ;) 
Shell blackbox
Style \"minix\" by cthu1hu modified by me 
Wallpaper got it off of deviant art somewhere 

sMs what font do u use for ur menu?
xo0m the menu title is 'snap' i believe ...and the regular menu item font is called 'hooge 05_53' something or other
freeb0rn 45 emails? damn thats alot
sMs thanx xo0m
xo0m sMs - np... and yeah i guess 45 emails sounds excesive, but its only cuz i set my mail client to leave all messages on the central server...not that any of this matters anyway...
cthu1hu What winamp skin is that that matches the colors so well?
sMs i have an hotmail account.. do hotmail has a pop3 account ?
xo0m hotmail i believe is not pop or imap. i think its an http mail server (not too many of those) and the only program that can check a hotmail inbox would be outlook, outlook express, or msn messenger...not sure what the winamp skin is called cuz im not at my computer right now...i think u can find it on
sMs so i can not check my emails with bbmail?
xo0m to the best of my knowledge...nope
bladestaylor try this to emulate hotmail POP access: link this is what i use for yahoo mail: link
sMs i lll try that.. thanx blade and xo0m
sMs ok i installed hotmail poppper.. now how to make bbmail check for my hotmail emails? what should i do
sMs ok i wrote this on my ini file from bbmail folder... POP3 110 s1emens mypassword
sMs but it doesnt work.. it ways on my bbmail... error 2004-04-27 16:37:47 - PopServer::SessionWo
rker::catch::bk - bkw::Socket::Receive
::result - There was an error receiving data through the socket (10053)
bladestaylor haven't checked whether hotmail popper still works, bc ms changed the site around could try it with mozilla or eudora or something first to see if it works fine.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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