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LinOnWin :: crypton User crypton
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style The White Stuff by The Wizard_69

NC-17 pretty sweet, dude
inf3rnal what kind of console do you use? its very nice well done congraz
crypton it's console 2, but i am not stisfied with it, cause it is very laggy and has no colored highlighting.
crypton Ok, I browsed the forums and found a console called "console". It is the program Nivenh used for "Console 2". The advantage of "Console" is performance. Compared to "Console 2", "Console" is much faster and offers except for antialiased and shadowed fonts the same features as "Console 2" does. You can get "Console" right here: link Hope I could help you ;)
inf3rnal oh thanx great
spuhkewzi very beautiful. i was just wondering if you could post/email me a copy of your console config? oh, and what program is that making the sysinfo stuff?

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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