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carbon :: necroboi User necroboi
carbon is based on another wallpaper by Per Gustafson ( ).
This is the first in a series of 3 modern city available for download, so be sure to check it out...
Shell BBLC\BBLean
Style carbon by necroboi
Wallpaper modern city 1 

Pitkon Nice atmo and I love ur bbinterface player layout; I would like some more distinction between active and inactive windows, however.... :)
necroboi thanks Pitkon .. there are actually 12 different layouts i can switch on the fly with this version of my slit-amp .. as for the windows - you oughta load the style 'first' before making that call =p
Pitkon I DID load the style; my first impression still stands. Of course, this is a personal opinion. I'd love to use ur different layouts, if u wanna share... :)
necroboi the one in the picture isn't finished yet, but you can grab an updated version of my first vol/amp script here
Pitkon Thanx, necroboi!

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