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Death Dealer :: pforg User pforg
Kind of like this one, a bit moody. Need to work on using some other fonts though. 
Shell blackbox
Style Death Dealer 
Wallpaper Death Dealer 

oldskull mmm... i like too!!! yeah this is new.... upload it? :)
NC-17 mmm me likies!
Pitkon Very good, pforg! Style and wallpaper are urs? Why don't u upload the style?
Velda Im not sure why, but i really like the feel of it. it reminds me of some old school black box, back when i was workin in NOC.
smS two slits on it?
Arc Angel I'll throw my vote in too, I'd love a copy... 8)
NC-17 naa, the one on the bottom is just a bbinterface window or something behind the pager and bbicons
pforg linkis where you can grab the style. Thank you all very much for your compliments, its the first style I have done I have stuck with for more than an hour. The bottom is a "mock" slit, bbinterface frame and buttons [for the icons] with bbpager sitting on top. Yes the wall is mine, although it is really just a cap of a frame from the movie Underworld I framed and recolored.
oldskull pfrog: thanks for sharing :)
pforg Hehe pfrog... I like that name better than mine I think.

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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