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Artniv :: nivenh User nivenh
This is a slightly modified Artwiz style using the .style extension. Menu backgrounds have been inverted to make it look a little nicer and a proper font/size specified. 
Shell bluebox

NC-17 looking grand niv meister! nice separators in the menus - and you got the active parent folder style things now. w00t! >=]
nivenh i attached a style to this, but it appears to have been discarded
Inauro Nice mod. That Artwiz style is a classic, and your version is great.
qwilk FYI nivenh, xoblite bb2 uses [separator] to define separator items, just in case you want to be compatible... ;)
Pitkon Separators are great, but I would also like a bottom menu bar, like in Lithium Desktop... And, of course, I still dream of pixmaps heaven...
nivenh thanks qwilk, i liked that alot when i saw an SS of yours. i did it as [nop] (---)
nivenh ps. i also added an optional menu.bullet.Color to the style to color it and bullets differently. if that isn't found, it uses menu.frame.textcolor value.
qwilk nivenh: The xoblite style extensions are menu.frame.bulletCol
or, menu.hilite.bulletCo
lor, window.button.presse
d.picColor, menu.indicator, menu.indicator.color
, menu.indicator.color
To (all in xoblite bb1), menu.separator.color (in the upcoming xoblite bb2), all fully backwards compatible of course.
qwilk nivenh: I'll be online tonight, msg me if you need more info on e.g. the fallback implementation etc.
multifate nivenh: hurry up and finish coding bluebox 8)

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© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
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